Thursday, January 21, 2010

1st Anniversary

I wrote how wonderful my marriage was going at the sixth month point. This past weekend the wife and I just experienced our first anniversary together. Marriage is truly a wonderful thing. Most people throw out the clichés of “You’re going to learn how selfish you are,” and “It’s going to take a lot of sacrifice for the marriage to work.” First of all I already know how selfish I am. I am extremely selfish. No surprises there. I already knew that marriage required a lot of “sacrifice” in order for it to “work.” Not breaking any new ground there, Aristotle.

It’s been a great first year. I feel like I love my wife more today than the day I married her. She takes wonderful care of me and does it with such joy. I absolutely cherish her and still admire her for the very same qualities that made me fall in love with her. Through a year of being married, I just see those qualities that much more clearly. It’s fun to get to know her more and see what makes her tick. We still talk about the same things that we talked about while we were dating. She supports me in my decisions and encourages me when I want to shot myself during education classes. When I act like a jerk she gives me the “You’re acting like a jerk but I’m not going to say anything and just let you realize it for yourself” face. Ten times out of ten, I do realize that I’m a jerk and that she’s right. Amazing.

She is a constant reminder of God’s grace and kindness. When I have doubts of God’s goodness or wonder if He has my best interest in mind, I only need to look at my wife to dispel those doubts about God and to bolster my faith in Him.

The relationships I’ve had in the past were crappy. The reason being is that immature love is exhausting but true mature love is empowering and can lift you up when you’re down in the dumps. Now if there is something I have learned through marriage is the “empowering love” factor. As a young guy you don’t always recognize when you’re in a bad relationship because . . . well . . . you’re young and your stupid. Here’s a hint, if you’re constantly exhausted by the relationship it’s a bad one. And I’m not talking about just the first two weeks I’m talking about well after the “honeymoon stage.” If I had known this as a teenager I would have saved myself a lot of grief.

All the pressures of being a teacher by day and taking teaching credential classes at night, while studying for exams to remain a teacher, without my wife I would have lost my mind and gone “Into the Wild” Christopher McCandless style (But instead of eating a wild potato root with poisonous fungus or dying of starvation I would have decided to take down a bear with only a knife. Story Telling Mode: While standing toe to toe with the Beast I lunge at it stabbing him in his left eye. Fuming in rage the Beast retaliates by sinking his teeth into my left shoulder. The penetration was too deep and the lost of blood too plentiful, there was no way of escape. As I laid there with the lost of blood mounting gasping for air, the Beast standing over my body in wounded triumph, savors this victory knowing he had not met such an adversity as I. As I take my last few breaths I am grateful for I no longer have to take education classes. – Or something like that anyway.). I digress.

There are two lessons to be learned here (1) mature love is empowering and can sustain you through some tough times. (2) If I weren’t married I’d be fighting a bear out in the wild somewhere and get myself killed.


Happy anniversary honey. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me or how much I love you. I have a lump in my throat just typing this. I know it’s the Lord who sustains His children but He’s given me you as a vessel of His sustaining power and I will forever be grateful. Thank you for a wonderful year of being my support, my friend, my helpmate, and my beautiful wife.

Junior J

P.S. – Sorry about leaving the dishes but I was going to do them when I got home but you got there first. And I think the dog needs a walk too, thanks.


  1. I LOVED this, Junior. I've never met Katie...only know her through your pictures and writings...but am so grateful He brought you two together!!! These first few years are so foundational and it sounds like you two are building a solid one. Praise the Lord.

  2. You have no idea how very special this was to me and how treasured this blog made me feel! I read it with a huge grin on my face and a little lump in my throat. I love you so much, Jr, and I know exactly what you mean when you talk about loving more than when we were first married. I am so blessed to be sharing life with you as your wife. I am so thankful for the sense of humor that God has given you that brings much laughter into our life and the lives of those around us. I love your love for learning, your loyalty to your friends, your enjoyment of athletics, the physical security and comfort of your arms, and so much more! I am so grateful for the way that you have embraced my family and have loved them, quirks and all. :) ("The Land of Sod" is a wonderful example of this! :) You are a man who God has allowed to be tested greatly at times, and yet your steadfast faithfulness to the Lord is a constant encouragement and testimony to me. I am so thankful that you were persistent and that the Lord blessed me with a man like you to walk through life with! I love you, Jr!

  3. As a disinterested observer, I'd say your wife is A-1, awesome, sweet, and perfect.

    Full Disclosure - Okay, she IS my niece.

    P.S. I LOVED the P.S.! Reminds me of someone, thinking, thinking...oh yeah, me!?!

  4. @Sarah: Thanks for the words of encouragement. Yes we are building on a good foundation. She does most of the work.

    @Uncle John: Hey, maybe that's why you like reading my blogs because I'm a younger (and better looking) version of you.

  5. You know, Jr., you're probably correct in a weird way, except of course for the "better looking" part. Don't let that get you down, though, not everyone can be as talented and handsome as me...just saying.

  6. I know this is really late but CONGRATS Jr & Katie on year 1!! Cheers to many more wonderful "1st" years!!!

    -J (Dre's wife)
