Usually after work I head straight to the gym and get my workout on. After a full day of mind-numbing work with Elementary students I need to blow off some steam. Recently however, I was trying some new type of workout my buddy Dom showed me and ended up destroying my back. As a result, I haven’t been able to workout or play basketball for about a week now.
No one likes getting injured and being rendered inactive but if there were a time to get injured it would be during March Madness. Thursday night I had a chance to watch (5) Butler vs. (1) Syracuse, (1) Kentucky vs. (12) Cornell, and (2) Kansas State vs. (6) Xavier.
The wife had Open House at her school and is required to attend. That means I’m on my own for dinner. This is where watching all those episodes of Man vs. Wild will come in handy as I burrow through the kitchen looking for anything to eat. I ended up ordering pizza . . . oh wait . . . actually, the wife ordered delivery pizza for me while she was at Open House. Did I hit the jackpot or what!?
(Side Note: For all you single people that are tired of hearing about God’s timing like I was, it’s true. God has perfect timing and knows exactly what you need.)
With the advent of streaming shows on the Internet, watching sports has never been easier. I was streaming the Kentucky/Cornell game, the Butler/Syracuse game, the Heat/Bulls game, while the TV in the living room had the Kansas State/Xavier game on. All of this and I would be surfing the net during the commercials. Who says men can’t multitask?
When the wife got home and wondered what I’ve been doing (other then eating my pizza) she saw all the games on. She said, “How can you keep track of all the games AND facebook in between?” I told her that it was a little difficult and it would be easier if I had multiple screens. She gave me that “H*ll no!” look. I thought to myself, “That’s not a problem, after my back heals up I’ll be working out like a beast again and playing basketball instead of merely watching it.” No need for multiple screens streaming multiple games at once, surfing the Internet between commercials, all while eating pizza. At least not until I get hurt again.
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