Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Anniversary 5.0

So I read in the Marriage Manuel that you really need to get something special for your wife every fifth anniversary (e.g., 5th, 10th, 15th etc). This year being our fifth anniversary, I actually had to put some thought into this. Last year, I was in a rush, copped out and went to Jared’s and overpaid for a piece of jewelry. The good news is my wife liked what I got her, but I really should’ve $aved the “rush your @$$ to Jared’s” card for one of these fifth years (take note young husbands).

Since my wife is nice enough to not let me screw this one up she just told me what she wanted. Admittedly, when she mentioned it, she said that it could be saved for years down the road. But, since I was given the idea, I figured that I would save me some brainpower and use it this year. It didn’t save my wallet, but I’m not complaining (not out loud anyway). My wife deserves it. Now I don’t know much about women, but I do know the universal truth that no matter what her background, culture, or childhood was like, they want flowers, chocolate, and diamonds. You can NEVER go wrong with anyone of these gifts. Especially when you give her diamonds. I have no clue why women have an affinity towards these particular items, but it’s knowledge I was able to use to my advantage.

When it comes to diamonds, I call in the expert, namely, my sister Victoria. She knows some people in the downtown LA jewelry district, and she helped get my wife’s engagement and wedding ring. So, I called her in for back up once more. Downtown LA is probably the second worst city on earth to drive in because of the one-way streets and traffic (It’s only second to New York). If you don’t know exactly where you’re going, you may never find your way out of that city again. My sister knows the building, where to get inexpensive parking (Inexpensive and my sister are rarely ever connected), the security guards by first name, and all the jewelers in the store. She gets the best deals. (Although getting a “deal” on diamonds still requires spending enough money to make one vomit.)

When we got to the jewelry shop, my sister waved hello to the jewelers from outside the bulletproof glass window. They buzzed her in with excitement because they know Victoria doesn’t come just to “look” at stuff. She comes to spend money, and this time it was going to be my money. The jewelry was so shiny I had to wear sunglasses just to look at it all. I overheard another lady there say, “This is like a candy store for ladies.” I’m no expert, but I’ve been to a candy store and I don’t recall spending $500 for some Skittles. After some small talk, we quickly picked out the item, swallowed hard after looking at the price, and then bit the bullet. Done and done. I’m sure my wife will love it.

Wow. Has it really been five years already? What will the next five years look like? I feel like I have the most amazing wife in the world. She gets up early in the morning to make breakfast for me and the kids, she’s wise with her money, she’s constantly keeping the house clean, she prepares every meal, and she does it with complete gladness and with a servant’s heart because she loves the Lord. Even though she is completely content, I want to give her so much more. Each day that goes by I feel more blessed that she’s in my life, and I praise God for that. She is the constant reminder of God’s undeserving goodness in my life.

Happy anniversary, Honey. I feel like I love you more and more with each passing year. I hope to have many more years with you. But if I die unexpectedly please keep the Laker season tickets in the family and make sure Bryan pays me back all the money he owes me. I love you.

For last year's anniversary blog click here.

For my Wedding Diary blog click here.

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