Saturday, February 4, 2012

We’re Having A Baby!!!

It’s time for the announcement. Yes, Katie and I are having a baby!!! So something good came out of the NBA lockout after all. What? No basketball? I guess we should make a baby. In addition, the due date is July 20th, which is right after the NBA Finals. Yes, that was planned.

Recalling the day we found out, Katie was using the home pregnancy kit while I was looking up NBA news to see if there were any signs of the lockout ending. She comes into the office room holding the kit and said, “Honey, I think we hit the mark” then preceded to show me the positive sign on the kit. My reply was, “I’m down with that.” Shortly after, the lockout ended. So… I had two things to cerebrate. Joy.

Katie told me not to tell anyone then proceeded to tell everyone. She would say it was “only her family” but that included her parents, four brothers, their wives, their children, and her sister (and throw in a couple of friends while they were on the phone). I think that’s everyone. I called my buddy Dom and told him the news. He then told the news to my buddy Bryan who was hurt that I didn’t tell him personally. Well, my excuse was every time we would talk we were trying to find solutions to end the lockout and simply never got around to the “Katie’s pregnant” news. Since that time, I’ve told my sister, a couple of co-workers, and the rest of my groomsmen via text message. There’s excitement all around.

Now I’ve already been told the typical things like, “You’ll never be the same,” “Get your sleep now because you’ll never sleep again,” “It’ll change your life,” and my favorite, “It’s over.” Surprisingly, I’m really not worried about the sleep component, although ask me again when the baby arrives. If you’ve read my list of PROS AND CONS ON PARENTHOOD you’ll see my main worries. Of course I wrote that before Katie’s pregnancy (aka “The death knell”). So then, my anxieties are much more grounded. And yes, I have anxieties. I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t. I pray everyday for my wife and unborn child for God’s grace and mercy to be upon them.

First, my hope is there’s nothing wrong with the baby physically or mentally. I think most parents hope for that, right? Second, I hope the baby is a boy. That’s right! I said it! I HOPE HE’S A BOY!!! I guess the rule is I’m supposed to say, “I’ll be happy with whatever gender.” Let me be clear, I would love a girl like she was my own child (because she would be). That doesn’t mean I don’t have a preference. I’m not even against having a girl eventually. I just want a boy FIRST. Here’s my reasoning, if I had a girl first that means I run the risk of having another girl second and maybe third (I put in “third” for the in-laws but I’m putting in a hard-cap on two children), thus leaving me with zero boys. If I had a boy first, then it wouldn’t matter what gender comes after, I would already have my boy and be completely anxiety free when impregnating my wife again. I would even play "The Circle of Life" from the Lion King soundtrack when he's born.

Besides, if I have a daughter I’ll have to pay for a wedding and probably have to hold off on retirement a while longer. If I have a boy, I’ll just have to pay for his bail bond and we’re done. They’re usually cheaper than weddings. I’m only giving him one bail bond and that’s it. As a parent you have to draw the line somewhere.

Some of you might be saying, “What if your daughter grows up and reads this blog and has daddy issues as a result?” Don’t worry. By then I would’ve written a blog (while citing this one) and mentioned how it’s been absolutely amazing having a daughter. And how I’ve never thought a daughter would affirm my masculinity the way she has. Furthermore, I’ll write about how the relationship with my daughter has only increased my sensitivity towards others because a daughter tends to bring out the gentler side of men. A daughter also brings out the protective instincts, the need to be a provider, and most importantly the spiritual guidance needed in male leadership.

Finally, as she continues to grow I’m sure I will quickly realize I would gladly overpay for a wedding knowing her happiness would mean more to me than my own- which will result in me being even less of a jerk than what I already am. But until that day I’m sticking to my guns and hoping/praying for a boy.

We'll find out the gender in a couple of weeks (and yes, you'll get a blog). I would love your prayers that the Lord would truly have His grace and mercy on our family. Thank you all.


  1. Junior and Katie!! How wonderful! Congratulations! I will be praying for you all. How is Katie feeling? Those first few months can be hard at times. I am truly so happy for you. :) You and Katie will make a great parents. Love you both.

    1. She's been doing well. Thanks for asking Jeanine. The doctor says everything has been normal and Katie hasn't had too much trouble. Thanks for your support.
