Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2010 Christmas Day Planned

Now that the NBA schedule (partial) has come out I've already planned my Christmas Day. In short, it's basically watching basketball all day. Last year Becky (sister-in-law) wanted me and the wife to stay over on Christmas Eve. Since everyone was pretty much out of town, Becky wanted to know that someone was going to be there on Christmas morning. It was actually heart-warming and I enjoyed the sleep over (even though we had to share the living room with the dog). I love being a part of a family filled with tradition and love.

The tradition at the Davis household is on Christmas morning everyone gathers around the Christmas tree to prepare for opening of the gifts. People open gifts from youngest to oldest. However, once everyone gathers someone usually points out that Eric (2nd oldest) has an angel ornament on top of the tree claiming that he's the "golden child." Mom refutes that fact, however, she won't take down the Eric angel ornament for some reason so the family continues to argue. In any case, here's the Christmas Day schedule:

12/25 - Chicago at N.Y., ESPN 9 a.m.
We'll be opening up gifts during this time but since I'm at the father-in-laws it will be DVR(ed). Yes! I'll fast-forward through the time outs and commerce and be just in time for:

12/25 - Boston at Orlando, ABC 11:30 a.m.
This is probably the time I'll be asking the wife if there's any food.

12/25 - Miami at Lakers, ABC 2 p.m.
During the pre-game, I'll get antsy and ramp myself up where I almost hyperventilate right up until tip-off. Of course if my team loses I'll no longer feel like being in the holiday spirit (or any Spirit for that matter). In this case, I'll be happy that I sold these tickets for 3x the price. The wife will later put things in perspective for me and I'll feel like an idiot. This is my own Christmas tradition. On the other hand, if my team does well and wins, I'll be in a much better mood and won't need to be rebuked by the wife later. Go Lakers!

12/25 - Denver at Thunder, ESPN 5 pm.
I'll try and watch this game but I'll be too tired to stay awake and end up taking a nap.

12/25 - Portland at G.S., ESPN 7:30 p.m.
After the nap, I'll just check the box score of the final two games, blog about the day, and appreciate the holiday season. Merry Christmas!

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