As a teacher, I've been often asked, "What do you do during the summer?" My reply, "Whatever I want." It's a great schedule but it's also forced unemployment. But you take the good and the bad in any career, right? So today, the wife and I decided to run some errands together.
On a Friday, we dropped off my car to have it serviced, went to the mall for some shoe shopping (basketball shoes for me, running shoes for her), ate lunch, picked up my car afterwards, then finally took both cars to the car wash. While we were at the car wash, I introduce the wife to Maria, a lovely lady who works at the car wash who knew my mom. She was happy to meet the wife and proceed to give us a discount. The wife goes on to say, "Wow, you're mom was sure a special woman." She later posted this on my sister's facebook page:
Jr and I were in Montebello today getting his car serviced and then getting both of our cars washed. When we got to the car wash, the lady inside greeted Jr enthusiastically, and gave us a little discount... all because she knew your mom. :) Jr and I both enjoyed laughing at the fact that even years later- at the car wash of all places- we get benefits because people are so grateful for your mom and who she was! I'm so sad that I never got to meet her here on earth, but I'm so grateful that I'll get to some day in heaven. She sure was a special woman. :)
My sister replied:
Oh sis, u just made me cry a lil. That must've been Maria at the MTB car wash. They were friends. If my bro hasn't already told u, my mom was one amazing, classy, loveable lady. Where ever she went, she made friends. She is so loved even after these past couple of years that she's gone to heaven. I still get special treatment at some venues that my mom would go to just cuz I'm "Penny's lil girl". She would've treated u like a queen, not just sayn that, she really would have! I'm sorry u didn't get a chance to meet her here, but u will someday. I look forward to that day that I will be with her again too. I'm not just saying this cuz she was my mom, but she was a very special woman. Oh how I miss her everyday. Thanks for sharing honey, it makes me so happy that people hasn't forgotten her : )
(There's another story of when my sister was pulled over by a local Deputy [many years ago]. He had finished writing the ticket but my sister's then-boyfriend said, "Hey, don't you know this is Penny's daughter!" The sister was embarrassed and tried to crawl into a ball. But the Deputy said, "THIS is Penny's daughter?!" then took the ticket back and proceeded to rip it up despite the fact that he had already finished writing it [I'm not making this up]. My mom had some serious pull.)
This was just a reminder of the countless lives my mother touched. There are literally hundreds of stories to mention and this was one of them. There are not too many people who lived in that community that didn't know my mother. I remember when I broke the news to Maria that my mom passed away, she was completely distraught. Maria grew up Catholic but that didn't stop my mom from sharing the Gospel with her. Mom had this uncanny ability to touch people's lives simply by her presence. The first thing people notice is her joy. It wasn't pretentious but radiant. It was her joy that made people trust her and listen intently to her as she shared the Gospel, the source of her joy. I would watch people listen to my mom with the "I don't know what this woman is selling but I'm buying it" look on their faces.
I wish I could share the Gospel the way my momma did. That was truly one of mom's gifts. I really don't like rollin' by the old neighborhood. It doesn't exactly bring up good memories. However, when I run into people who knew my mom, I remember when I moved away to attend Biola University she continued God's work in that community. It's been nearly three years since her passing and her legacy continues. Amazing.
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