Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Cheer 2012

Well, we're in the middle of the holidays and Christmas is almost here. I love the holidays even though I have yet to think of a good gift idea for my wife and it's stressing me out. Besides being a dead-beat and procrastinating I've managed to take a little time and reflect on all the goodness of the Lord has provided, namely, blessing us with a wonderful child.

As you know, my mom is no longer around. My crazy older sister burned every single bridge like a pyrotechnic on steroids. My younger sister, Vicky, goes with her husband's family each year as I go to my wife's side of the family each year. Sadly, this year will be a little different. There's usually several people at my in-law's but this year everyone will be scattered across the world and Becky, the youngest, will be in Japan (what do they do for Christmas away). I'm predicting my in-law's depression will hit an all-time high to the point where I'm considering putting them on suicide watch.

Maybe having at least one child, my wife, and one grandchild, Joelle, relatively close will cheer them up a bit. We just got our Christmas tree and my wife put up the Christmas decorations, "it's starting to look like Christmas!" Here are some photos of Joelle enjoying her first December.

"Hey, these lights are pretty cool!"

"So this is what a Christmas tree smells like. Nice."

I've mentioned before we had a fake tree growing up. I didn't mind it because it wasn't messy, it was easier to clean up, and it was cheap because we could use it for several years. But now that I'm older I appreciate the fresh pine smell and the "realness" of a Christmas tree. I hope the pine will inspire Joelle to enjoy the outsides a little more.

"Hello Buddy. I don't understand why my dad hates you. You seem really nice."

Joelle meets Buddy. Well, she met him 4 months ago but is only now starting to notice the flea bag. It's actually endearing since Buddy has been great with kids and is the ideal family dog. Actually, having a real Christmas tree, a child, and a dog makes me feel more American. I'm sure everything will work out for the in-laws. Maybe this year they'll be open to drinking. If that's the case, the first round is on me!

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