Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What A Day Part II of II

Click here for Part I

Moreover, that was only the first part of my day. I had to get to my second job (working at my sister’s 7-11 store). My sister Vicky had me train a 17-year-old girl who was working there for the first time. The store is located in the heart of East Los Angeles, not really the best part of town. Great. I had to wear my “big brother” hat as well as my “be nice to A-holes” hat.

This was 4th of July weekend so the store was as busy as the freeway I just got off. As I was showing the new employee the ropes I also had to make sure the 1700 people in the store weren’t stealing, the slurpee machines were all working, and help the 85-year-old woman pick out all her scratcher tickets. I’m truly astonished by people who actually think they’re going to win big with these scratcher tickets or lotto tickets. If most of those people started doing the math, for every $10 they win they probably spent about $100.

For several hours it was a complete madhouse but by the grace of God I was able to maintain my composure although there were several times I wanted to light up some of the customers. Like the drunk guy who couldn’t fill out his lotto sheet because he was too drunk. The line was out the door and this guy wanted me to fill out his lotto sheet for him. I said, “Sure, would you like me to make dinner reservations for you too?” Or the young guys trying to flirt with the new worker. I had to interrupt them mid-sentence saying, “Would you like a bag? (before they could reply) No? Okay have a nice day. Next in line please.” Then there was the dude that didn’t even know how to play the scratcher tickets he bought and wanted me to check to see if he won. Really? Isn’t that like going up to a blackjack table and not knowing what the cards mean? Everyone, including the dealer, would think you’re in idiot and they would be right.

At the end of my shift, I took a deep breath and was thankful the Lord got me through that day as I drove home in my air-conditioning-busted car. What a day, indeed. I’m hoping the Insurance field will help me out of my second job. Even though I love my sister to death and enjoy helping her business succeed, if I continue to work there any longer I might commit a homicide. However, regardless of the rough spots on this day, it was a good day.

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