As some of you know that I am currently working on my teaching credential in Special Education through National University. I’ve already written about how education classes have to be the most useless classes anyone could ever take. Of course, in order to become a teacher, legally, you need these useless classes. They’re as pleasant as a prostate check.
This current class is on Special Education Assessment in which you learn how to test students to see if they are eligible for Special Education services or testing students to see how they’ve made progress (if any). You know, something I’ve already been doing for the pass three years.
At the beginning of the class the professor wants each of the students to introduce themselves. This of course doesn’t go without some groaning. There are always plenty of people who want to talk about their life story or other things that are completely irrelevant to the course. It was a looooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg 45 minutes.

Interestingly, when the other students were introducing themselves there were several who said how much they loved working with Special Education students, I repeat LOVED their involvement in the Special Education profession. We need people with hearts of gold in this world. Sadly, I’m not one of them.
There are also a few business people wanting to get out of the business profession in order to do something “more fulfilling” and Special Education is the direction they are headed. Ironically, I was wondering if I should go into business (financial advisor) instead of staying in Special Education. The reason being is $$$$$$. Also, I wouldn’t say that I hate my job but I certainly don’t love it.
In any case it made me appreciate my job a little bit more. I always need little reminders every so often to appreciate the things I have, especially my job. Okay then, I’ll attend class with a smile and at least pretend I am enjoying learning about assessing students. It probably wouldn’t be as hard if . . . you know . . . I haven’t been doing this for the past three years.
PS - If you notice me posting a new blog on Tuesday nights for the next six weeks you know that I'm in class.
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