Monday, October 5, 2009

Reassigned 2.0

A month into the school year and my new site has been running smoothly. As I said before, the staff have been great and the kids are not so bad. I’m not sure what the Lord may have for me working at a new school but it hasn’t been bad so far. Of course I have two meetings this week with parents regarding placement for their child, hoping to receive additional special education services but that’s pretty normal. If you don’t have at least a couple of demanding/difficult parents then count your blessings.

People ask me if it’s more work. I wouldn’t say more, just different. Moving from Middle School to Elementary has been interesting. You don’t have to deal with as much behavioral problems because they are still young and uncorrupted. Of course you have less than stimulating conversations with them because they are so young.

You can’t beat the schedule. School starts at 7:55am and ends at 2:12pm. At two o’clock most people are just getting back from lunch. The wife is a little jealous every time she looks at the clock around 2pm. When she's getting out at 3pm I'm already well into my workout. Of course she makes more money than I do so she's got me there. But what do I really have to complain about? I’m sure to find something to complain about because of my negative disposition. I'll have to work out that.

During the time when I was teaching Middle School, I was sadden with the fact that many of the students did not have basic skills such as knowing how to multiply and divide for example (I’m not making this up). Being with younger students I could make a concentrated effort to make sure that they do acquire those basic skills and build a solid foundation to be able to succeed at the next level. In additional, since the students are younger you don't have to deal with as many behavioral problems that are usually coupled with their learning disability. Maybe this is why the Lord moved me, to impact young impressionable students. Or maybe He just wants me to get out earlier so I could start my workout sooner. Either way, I’m grateful.

Then again, the school year is young and who knows what's going to happen. Stay tuned . . .


  1. I'm thinking he wants you out earlier so you can catch EVERY Pistons game eastern time zone or not.

  2. I don't even catch EVERY Laker game, believe it or not.
