Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sickness Stinks!!!

I used to pride myself for never getting sick. I haven’t taken a day off for sickness yet. However, this past week a sickness hit me like a freight train. I felt like there was a Pearl Jam concert inside, it was difficult to focus, and I spent most of the night coughing like Doc Holiday.

What made this worse was that my head was hurting so much I couldn’t even read. I couldn’t work out and I had to miss a basketball tournament this weekend. It’s difficult when I don’t have a productive day, even worse if I don’t have a productive week. Life is short and I don’t have time to get sick (or so I think). Sickness stinks! But it happens to all of us.

Here’s the thing, we’re not promised the next day. We’re not even promised good health. So when we feel like all our molecules are going to explode into oblivion we should be mindful that the days of health are a gift to us. What are we going to do with that gift?

I’m going to remember this terrible week of illness. Not because I haven’t been this sick in years but because it’s a good reminder that everyday is a gift from the Lord. The next time I feel lazy about working out, walking the dogs, or doing anything productive I want to remember this week that was lost to sickness and say to myself, “Do it now or you might not be able to do it later, jerkface!!!” That’s good advice.


  1. Hmm...this sickness coincides with the Lakers slide (into oblivion?). I wonder if the two have anything to do with each other. Just saying...

    Is this the dreaded Swine Flu?

  2. thanks for the comments. I always appreciate those. And no, it was the S. Flu. I'm feeling better already.
