When I first became a Christian, I remember being extremely touched by the love of God. I was especially touch by the fact that He relates to me as my heavenly Father. For a child who grew up without a father this was a sticking point. As the first few years went by, I started to realize that "Thinking" critically about things was viewed as a bad thing (at least within my Christian community). Now I understand being negative isn't edifying to the body of believers and there is a difference between encouraging others to think correctly about God and just constantly tearing things down. But isn't there value in making sure we are thinking rightly about God? For years I felt like I was the only one fighting the anti-intellectualism within the church. I often hear people just tell me that "Knowledge puffs up! (so you better not learn anything was the implication)" Knowledge puffs up? And your answer is to be ignorant? And this makes sense, how? "Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life" is a wonderful truth. But doesn't it take some thinking to know what that plan is? I'm not exactly sure why the Lord would give us such a big bible if that were not the case.
The day I got to Biola University was one of the most liberating days of my life. I felt like I was not only free to think but in thinking, it resulted in enhanced worship and service to the Lord. I'll never forget the experience I had there with friends and professor who taught me how to THINK correctly about the Lord and how this leads to proper worship to our God. The thinking also lead to a growing emotional connection with the Lord. This was unexpected until I realized how the heart and mind are essential parts of being human beings. So if the emotions and the intellect are essential parts of the human being, then does it not stand to reason that we need to mature in both areas in order to grow as human beings?
Summer is now here. I've been mapping out how I'm going to spend the summer to make sure that it's productive and that I continue my pursuit of Jesus. One of the things I planned was to again read The Swans Are Not Silent series by John Piper (or Johnny Master P, as I like to call him). Reading through that series, I've learned that the great men of faith who have come before us, all thought about things carefully and felt things deeply as a result. Interestingly, Johnny Master P is having a conference on this very topic. No I don't plan on attending because it's in Minnesota. I would actually have to buy warm clothes. However, I do plan on listening to the conference when they are made available either through book form or MP3(s). I'm already extremely encouraged by the fact that these great men of God realize it's an issue that is hurting the church. The issue needs to be addressed and I know of no better men than these to do it. I guess I'm not alone after all.
Here is a youtube clip of the conference:
That was a cool video. I like the way they made it! Great quote (or something close to it): loving God must begin with right thinking about God.