Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Biola University - More Than Just An Education

I was feature in You could go to the link or read it here:

It’s been over 10 years since I finished my undergraduate studies at Biola (2003) and nearly 10 years since I finished my graduate work at Talbot (2006). I knew I wanted a strong Christian education and believed Biola would be the place I could receive that. What I didn’t know was how that Christian education would ultimately impact my life and how a place like Biola gave me much more.

It’s much like thinking about getting married or having a child. You have vague notions of what that might be like but when you experience it first hand, it exceeds your expectations and leaves a transformative effect that affects your entire perspective on life. You might be saying, “That’s a little dramatic for a mere college education.” Let me tell you the rest of my story.

I graduated with a bachelor in Biblical Studies and two MA(s), one in New Testament and one in Old Testament. Currently, I am in my ninth year as a special education teacher in the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District and in my fourth year as a Financial Consultant for Capital Choice Financial. I get asked all the time, “Why aren’t you using your degrees?” which usually means, “Why are you not in some type of ministry?” because of all my bible degrees. My reply is, “I use it everyday.” So I’m not in ministry as a profession. But I never intended to be. Getting my education at Biola gave me broader vision on how to impact the world for Christ. Being a Special Education teacher, most of my students have learning disabilities and it’s the understanding of the doctrine of humanity and that we are all created in the image of God that helps me view them with patience, care, and compassion. As a financial consultant, I view money the way it was intended to be used by God’s design. I help clients lower their debt, increase their assets, and become generous givers to their local churches. This is all possible with my biblically centered education I received from Biola.

What does any of this have to do with starting a family? Well some background would help. I grew up in a broken home. My mom was a single mother working long hours in order for my sister and I to survive and have an opportunity for a better life. I had very little Christian influence and even less role models. The impact on my life wasn’t merely the biblically centered education but the godly men and women who taught and lived by examples of how our knowledge should be applied in our everyday lives in how we treat people. Without those examples, I’m sure the education itself wouldn’t have quite the impact.

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